蘇州匯智精密模具有限公司專業從事塑膠模具及塑膠制品的開發和生產加工,具有獨立研究開發和技術創新能力,擁有全電腦數控注塑機以及相關的模具加工設備,可根據客戶需求提供:模具開發、設計制造、塑膠成型、塑膠噴涂、印刷及售后服務等全方位一條龍服務,大大縮短了客戶對產品開發的周期與成本,為客戶搶占市場贏得利潤提供了有利的空間保證。 公司已通過ISO9001:2008質量管理體系認證證書,是一家采用ISO質量管理體系集專業設計、開發、生產、銷售塑膠模具及塑料制品為一體的高科技民營企業,公司機制完善、組織機構健全、生產設備先進、作業流程科學。 公司在 “科技創新、精益求精、質量第一、服務至上”的經營理念下,不斷加強管理,提高生產技巧,在保證質量的前提下節約加工成本,完善售后服務體系,全力創造產品差異化,增強產品附加值,讓利于客戶的同時提升公司自身的競爭力。E-MAIL:chen@szhuizhimould.com.cn Suzhou Huizhi Precision Mould Co., Ltd established in 2008 that we are a professional and rich experienced plastic mould manufacture that specialized in designing and producing plastic mold tools for wide range of customers form the automotive,household appliances, switchgear, medical equipment, electronic, computer industries and other leading industries. Our factory are equipped with high speed CNC,WEDM-LS,water-jet cutting, wire cuts,EDMS, plastic injection machines, wire cutting, grinding machine, drilling machine, punching machine and softwares, such as CAD/CAM,CNC and EDM systems, PRO-E. Huizhi has a professional team and strong capability of mechanical process, Owing systematic modern equipments and educated technician are the best assets of our company. So, with rich experiences, advanced production facilities, qualified working teams, more reasonable management method, we have confidence to provide you high quality moulds at reasonable price in a quick lead., We have passed ISO9001: 2008 Quality management system certification in 2010. Our focus has always been to establish long term working relationships with our customer through continual innovation and professional service, honest, high quality and on-time delivery. We welcome you to visit for a first hand evaluation of how HUIZHI can satisfy your tooling and parts needs. |